Noah Scholtes
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 3
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 2X 100 Mile Club, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: 4X Four for the Fourth Race Participant, Yorktown Middle School Cross Country and Track Team member for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, Won age division Chase Charlie race.
Other Sports and Activities: Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Academic Bowl team member at Yorktown Middle School
Favorite Subject in School: Math
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: Hanging out with friends while running
Auden Turner
Age at Induction: 12
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 4

Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: Bronze Award Winner, 3X 100 Mile Club, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: 4X Four for the Fourth Race Participant, Yorktown Middle School Cross Country and Track Team member for 6th and 7th grade, Qualified for Middle School State in Cross Country
Other Sports and Activities: Yorktown Middle School Basketball, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Favorite Subject in School: P.E.
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: Running and talking with friends on runs
Samuel Whitt
Age at Induction: 11
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 3
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: Gold Award Winner, 2X 100 Mile Club, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: 1st place in age group in Chase Charlie run, 3X Colts 5K participant (4th in age group), 3X Four for the Fourth Race participant (2nd in age group), Yorktown Elementary School XC Meet participant, Yorktown Middle School Track team member.
Other Sports and Activities: Yorktown Middle School Soccer, Yorktown Middle School Track team, and travel soccer
Favorite Subject in School: P.E.
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: I liked having the freedom to run at full speed, choose how far I run, and choose if I want to have a rest day