Age at Induction: 12
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 3
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 2X 100 Mile Club Member, Gold Award Recipient, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: 4 Spring and Super Spring Triathlons, 3X Four for the Fourth, multiple other 5Ks and races.
Other Sports and Activities: Cross Country, Triathlon, Swimming, Wrestling, Compass Youth Group, Boy Scouts, Mandolin.
Favorite Subject in School: Gym

Age at Induction: 14
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 3
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 3X 100 Mile Club Member, 2X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: 3X Four for the Fourth, multiple other 5Ks and races
Other Sports and Activities: Cross Country, Track, Martial Arts, Horseback Riding, Compass Youth Group, Key Club, FCA.
Favorite Subject in School: Writing