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30 April 2010

Top Ten Reasons to Enroll Your Child/Youth

The Yorktown Roadrunners youth running club will begin its Summer 2010 season soon!  It is important that kids get some form of regular exercise and develop good fitness habits.  Below are the top ten reasons why you should get your child/youth involved with us.

28 April 2010

Open Letter From a Parent

My son has participated in several team sports programs since a young age. While his experience in each has been positive overall, he didn't particularly excel in that setting. He appeared to be a bit slower to develop his motor coordination than some of his peers and sometimes felt a little anxious about his performance. After a season or two in each activity his interest waned and he eventually asked to not continue participation for the next season. As time went on, it became somewhat of a challenge to find opportunities for fitness and social interaction outside of school that were attractive to him.